DicomObjects.NET.8.48 Documentation
DicomObjects Namespace / DicomImageFusion Class
Properties Methods Events

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    DicomImageFusion Class Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by DicomImageFusion.

    Public Constructors
    Public ConstructorOverloaded.   
    Public Properties
    Public PropertyThe Accession Number (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property Controls the rotation of an image (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyThe display area of DicomImage (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyThe Pen object for Image border (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property Controls how the pixel data is cached (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyThe number of frames recalculated for this image. This would trigger recalculation for frame count especially for video data (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyUser defined background colour for image output of PrinterImage, Bitmap and SubImage methods Default is Black background (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property Style sheet used for displaying encapsulated CDA (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property The set of frames to display for cine modes (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyThe index of the currently displayed frame when using CineMode (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyEnumerated running modes for multi-frame image (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyControls the speed of autonomous cine runs (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property Boolean property indicating whether Smoothing is applied when Cine is being displayed. (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyThe colour lookup table of DicomImage (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property Parameter to control the degree of smoothing. The default value is �0.75, and normal values range from �0.5 to �1.25, though higher negative values may be used to produce deliberate edge enhancement. (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyThe underlying DICOM Dataset containing persistent data for the image (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyDate of birth of the patient (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property Controls how the image is rendered internal before transfer to the screen (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property Specify the DrawCacheMode to control how image is drawn/cached (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property An explicit modality Lookup Table to be used in place of one specified in the image or presentaiton state. (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property An explicit presentation Lookup Table to be used in place of one specified in the image or presentaiton state. (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property An explicit Values of Interest (VOI) Lookup Table to be used in place of one specified in the image or presentaiton state. (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyContains the length of the smoothing filter (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property The flip state of the image, allowing the orientation of the image, as displayed, to be altered (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyControls which frame of a multi-frame image is displayed (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyThe number of frames contained in a multi-frame image (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyA number that specifies a power (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property Image collection for fusion  
    Public Property Unique identifier for the four levels of the DICOM Query/Retrieve hierarchy (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyControls whether the Image will be inverted. (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyOverloaded. Provides access to all attributes of the image (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property The size of the requests other than the first (in bytes) to make to a JPIP server. (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyProvides access to the DicomLabelCollection, items of which are to be displayed over an image. (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyThe Window Level (also known as the centre) - which controls the greyscale mapping of a displayed image (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property Provides a means to modify the usage of a Values of Interest Lookup Table (VOI LUT) or other display mapping (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyControls how pixels are interpolated when the image is magnified (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property

    Contains an array of DicomMaskRange objects to be applied to this image.

    See the DicomMaskRange object for more information on how this is used.

    (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property The Matrix relating real world coordinates (in mm) to the display space (with units -1 to +1 in each dimension)  
    Public PropertyControls how pixels are interpolated when the image is minified (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyThe Modality of the image (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyEnables or disables the Modality Lookup Table to be used in the DicomImage (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyThe Name of the patient (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property Opacity values for individual images  
    Public PropertyOriginal Transfer syntax of the underlying DataSet (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyControls how overlays embedded in the image are displayed (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyControls whether overlays embedded in the image are displayed (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyThe Patient ID (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyThe PhotometricInterpretation of the image (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyAccesses the raw pixel data as a typed array (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyEnables or disables the Presentation Lookup Table to be used in the DicomImage (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertySupport for DICOM greyscale presentation state (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property The presentation state features to use (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertySupport for a list of DICOM greyscale presentation state (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyAccesses the raw pixel data as an array (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property Controls how cine images are displayed (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyReturns the Image display size in output (normally screen) coordinates (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property The rotation state of the image, allowing the orientation of the image, as displayed, to be altered (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property Controls the baseline positioning of an image which is not stretched to fit and is rotated (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyControls the positioning of an image display (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyDescriptions for the series (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property Unique identifier for the four levels of the DICOM Query/Retrieve hierarchy (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertySex of the patient (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyControls whether the image�s labels (annotations) are shown on screen (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property Controls whether image shutters (if specified in the image) are used. (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property Controls whether the images is updated when image display parameters change (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyThe dimensions of the image (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertySOP class of the DicomDataSet. (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyControls the automatic zooming of an image. (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyDescription for the study (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property Unique identifier for the four levels of the DICOM Query/Retrieve hierarchy (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyIf true, then the images in ImageCollection are automatically adjusted to match the first of the collection at display time.  
    Public PropertyA general purpose Tag for developer use (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property UnsharpLength and UnsharpEnhancement, allow use of unsharp masking, as simple method of image edge enhancement (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property UnsharpLength and UnsharpEnhancement, allow use of unsharp masking, as simple method of image edge enhancement (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property Means to override the matrix used to display 2D images (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyThe VOI Lookup Table to be used to display the DicomImage (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property Controls which VOILUT function to be used, default value is Linear (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property Indicates whether a Values of Interest Lookup Table is in use (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyThe Window "Width" - which controls the greyscale mapping of a displayed image (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Property Provides a means to modify the usage of a Values of Interest Lookup Table (VOI LUT) or other display mapping (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public PropertyControls the magnification of an image display (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Methods
    Public MethodOverloaded. Creates and adds standard data elements to the underlying DicomDataSet (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodOverloaded.  Add byte[] as attribute value to avoid copying large data (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Creates a Bitmap Image from DicomImage (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method Image rendered as a System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage object (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method Combine pixel data of source image into this image as a base image (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodBurn all image Labels in Pixel data.

    This method modifies the underlying pixel data!

    (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method Useful method to check if the image can be converted using a different compression specified by the TransferSyntax (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method The location of the top-left corner of the cell within which this image would be displayed in a particular viewer (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method The size of the cell within which this image would be displayed in a particular viewer (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method Simulate the effect of writing out as a Decompressed Image (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodOverloaded.  Clears the entire internal cache (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Returns a cloned copy of the DicomImage (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method Copies the image to the Windows clipboard (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodThis method modifies the StretchMode, Zoom and Scroll properties such that the display output stays very similar while the display parameters have changed to suit the DicomObjects.Enums.StretchModes.NoStretch mode. (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodOverloaded.  Encapsulate current display properties into a DICOM GreyScale Presentation State object (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodCauses all the frames of an image to be decompressed. (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodOverloaded. The size at which this image, using current values for StretchMode etc. will display in this viewer. (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodOverloaded.  Standard Dispose patten (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method Perpendicular distance from a Point to the plane of this image (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodOverloaded.  The download status of an image compared to specific attributes of the image (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodOverloaded.  Explicitly request that some of the pixel information for this image should be retrieved via JPIP (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodOverloaded.  Copy the image data for external access, controlled by Format and Quality (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodGet cache size used by DicomObjects for the image - useful to help decide when to call ClearCaches method (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodThe colour lookup table of DicomImage (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Find the maximum and minimum pixel data values in the pixel data (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method Extract individual frame from the pixel data (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method Returns an array containing the distribution of raw pixel values. (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodOverridden.  The currently displayed plane of this image.  
    Public Method Calculate where in screen (X,Y) space, a given image point lies (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method Calculate the real-world 3D coordinates of a point of the image currently displayed (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Copies the image data from an external generic image object (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodOverloaded.  Matrix specifying how the image is displayed, applying correction if needed if pizels are not square (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method Matrix specifying how the image would be displayed with a Zoom of 1:1 (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method Return the Text of DicomLabel of LabelType = special. (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodCopies the Image Data from Windows Clipboard (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method Returns a float array of pixel values for a frame, optionally transformed via the modality transformation (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method Returns an array of pixel values for a frame, optionally transformed via the modality transformation (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Modifies current display properties to match the DICOM presentation state. (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Creates a copy of the image for printing or other purposes (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method Returns an array of raw pixel values for a frame (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Reads from an external DICOM file (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method Reads from Web Address (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodThis method returns a new DicomLabel object which represents the position of one DicomImage relative to another. (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Removes an attribute from the DataSet (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodOverloaded.  Render the DicomImage to array. The data returned will be exactly the same as the "presentation data" if the Image gets displayed on screen. (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodRotate view around a defined axis and based on a DicomViewer if available  
    Public Method Scale/Zoom the view  
    Public Method Calculate where in image (X,Y) space, a given screen point lies (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method Calculate where in real world (X,Y,Z) space, a given screen point lies (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Sends an image to a remote Storage SCP (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodThe colour lookup table of DicomImage (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method Recalculates the default windows used by DicomObjects as if the image had just been loaded (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method An external DirectX pixel shader to be used for custom filtering (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method Method to set pixel data directly from a stream (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method Method to import pixel data directly from a non-DICOM data (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method Maps an external file as the pixel data (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodSets the Scroll and Zoom values to values reflecting the current display (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodOverloaded.  Sets an int array as frame numbers of the mask frames for subtraction (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodOverloaded.  Set the view plane for the image, based on centre of the plane, the direction of view, and the "Up" direction.  
    Public MethodOverloaded. The pixel spacing of the DicomImage (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodThis method returns the Pixel Spacing within the region specified by Area, in a particular viewer (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodOverloaded.  Creates a copy of part or all of the image with controlled size (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method Move the centre point of the view by the specified offset  
    Public Method Move the centre point of the view by the specified distance, normal to the current view plane  
    Public MethodMove the display Offset pixels based on output size  
    Public MethodCauses the image to be updated (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method Calculate the nearest image coordinates for a point in real world (X,Y,Z) space, (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Method Calculate where in real world (X,Y,Z) space, a given screen point lies (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Write the data to a file with specified transfer syntax and quality (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Protected Methods
    Protected MethodOverridden.  Matrix specifying how the image is displayed onto display of the stated  
    Protected Method Standard finaliser - releases any files which may be held open by the image and its underlying DicomDatSet (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Protected Method An event fires when the displayed plane changes (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Protected Method The lookup table used for rendering this image to the specified bit depth output (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Events
    Public Event An event which fires when the plane displayed by this image changes. (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    Public Event Setting this event enables a developer to specify his own smoothing algorithm. (Inherited from DicomObjects.DicomImage)
    See Also