How to show Grid in DicomViewer

Perhaps we might have done this internally and make a new DicomViewer ‘ShowGrid’ property.

Implement Centered Zoom in DicomObjects

Implementing the Centered Zoom function in DicomObjects is simple and easy.

Initialising an image to the viewer size (stretch and scroll)

It is often useful to zoom and scroll an image to fill the viewer on first load. The quick way of doing this is by using StretchMode and a few other properties.

Patient Orientation

How to implement a Magnifying Glass with DicomObjects

It is possible to implement a magnifying glass tool in DicomObjects.NET.This functionality can be achieved by using a second DicomImage which is a copy of the original image (scaled, zoomed and scrolled accordingly) and overlaying onto the original image.

Adjusting WindowWidth And Level using ExplicitVOILUT property

.NET version Demo code to show the usage of the DicomImage property (ExplicitVOILUT) by generating and applying a LookupTable that has been calculated based on the standard DICOM windowing formula for calculating a Lookup table.